Saturday, September 12, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Sheryl, Elizabeth, Emily and I drove up Saturday to see her Labor day weekend.

Her niece Carrie and her husband Tim and came up from Huntington Beach, on Friday and brought a lot of Thai food.

We arrived Saturday around 2 PM. Later that day Alice's nephew Kenny and his wife Karen came and brought lots of fruit. Kenny works for Melissa's gourmet food. Meri's son Dana flew up Saturday.

On Sunday, Alice's brother-in-law Beebe arrived with his wife Yuki.
By the end of the weekend it is becoming apparent moving Alice causes her a lot of stress, and may not be worth it. Hospice supplied a hospital type bed that has all the powered adjustments. She now has 24 hour care.

Her lucid moments are very rare -- scarcely a minute long. I can only guess at her lucidity by her eyes and reactions. Her reactions show when she can understand you. But it is very taxing for her to try and talk, but it sounded once to Sheryl and once to me like she was saying "I love you".

Meri decided to stay for a third week to help Stacy who is doing a heroic effort to keep things going with her Mom, a 3 year old and a 7 month old.

It is stunning how quickly the disease is progressing. Day by day there is a small change, and week by week the changes have been drastic. 

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